Project showcase

Here's some of my best work

Mapbox Viewer React App

This was my first passion project to see if building app could be for me. I had a lot of fun putting concepts to the screen and exhibiting something personaly important to me. The design and content are not my own, but based on a publicly available Bible research tool on

phone mockup

Click to view on Netlify

Context API

With context API, all components in the app have easy access to Mapbox data objects used to represent data.

Mapbox Studio

The regions are drawn using Mapbox studio, where they are assigned to dataset layers and styled

Real Mapping Data

This app includes a dataset of live regional map data to compare between ancient points of interest and the modern lay of the land. With a handy toggle button, you can time lapse from the ancient past to today!

PWA Compliant

Packaged in compliance with Google Lighthouse standards for public webapps, this app can be installed on iPhone or Android and run without the need for a browser open

Hosted by Netlify

This project is up and running on netlify using environemntal control to hide sensitive data such as Mapbox SDK keys.

Capstone Crown Clothing App

In this learning project, I built an ecommerce solution with persistent data powered by Google Firebase, React Context, and Redux. I also converted the app into a PWA to work offline on mobile.

Video mockup

Click to view on Netlify

Context API

React Context simplify access to the cart, items catalogue, and user access token

Redux and Thunk

With Redux reducers handling the application data, unecessary redraws are kept to a minimum and data is kept to React immutable standards.


All parts of the app are typescript safe for intellisense and safe expandability

Google Firebase

Async helper functions enable users to authenticate as a store account or via Gmail and access the store catalogue

Stripe Integration

Easy and quick integration to accept card payments in real time.

Packaged for PWA

This app works on mobile without the need for a browser and can cache content for viewing when offline.

Cancode Communities: FEWD Final project

This was my first collab on a course for HTML and CSS by Cancode Communities. With the insight and shared skills of the group, We made an art colaborative community site to help local creators connect.

SASS Styling

Using SASS syntax and groupings helped simplify our code and agree on common style options

Handlebars Partials

The Header and footer and written once in the project, and then loaded on each contributor's page. This saved a lot of boilerplate woes and helped each member focus on content and not structure.

Creative energy

Several group members specialized in graphic arts and novel writing, adding a unique touch to the project

Vanilla JS powered

No frameworks, packages, or dependencies needed. All the ineteractivity was build on standard JS for high compatibility